Equipment and Safety

Everest Skydive

Everest Skydive requires specialized parachute equipment, all of which have been tested and approved for this amazing high-altitude adventure. All your equipment will be supplied and be ready for you at the Drop Zone location. The opening altitudes for your main parachute will be between 16,000 feet and 18,000 feet AMSL; the main landing area (DZ) is at 12,402 feet AMSL. These altitudes demand large main parachutes of 300 – 400 square feet and a reserve of similar size.

Each parachute system carries an AAD (Automatic opening device) for greater safety in parachuting. You will be issued with an Altimeter and thermal gloves. Your AGL will be corrected at 12,402 feet and you will have a true reading on your altimeter as we climb to record highs. We will also provide you with a special skydiving oxygen system, which is well proven at high altitude, unobtrusive and most importantly, non-restrictive to body movement or vision. You will also be given a skydiving helmet and HALO goggles for your eyes. You will be fully familiarized with all the equipment, fitted and briefed by our crew members prior to jumping. Tandem passengers will be fully prepared by their tandem master prior to making their tandem descent

Equipment provided for Solo Jumpers

  • Jump helmet complete with oxygen face mask attachments
  • Lightweight neoprene balaclava to fit under helmet and oxygen face mask
  • High altitude jump goggles
  • High altitude tailors made Everest Skydive jumpsuit
  • High Altitude Military Spec Javelin container with ripcord. In the container is a silhouette ms 360 main and a TR 375 reserve with a military cypress.
  • Altimeter
  • Neptune audible altimeter
  • Low profile cold climate outer gloves
  • Emergency hook knife

Equipment provided for Tandem jumpers

  • Jump helmet complete with oxygen face mask attachments
  • Lightweight neoprene balaclava to fit under helmet and oxygen face mask
  • High altitude jump goggles
  • High altitude tailors made Everest Skydive jumpsuit
  • Tandem harness (and instructor!)
  • Low profile cold climate outer gloves

Pokhara Skydive

Pokhara Skydive uses the same type of equipment as Everest Skydive, but we do not need oxygen or thermal survival suits we use for the HALO jumps at Everest Skydive. All these equipment have been tested and approved for our amazing skydiving adventures by proven manufactures and operated by internationally licensed Instructors. You will be shown the equipment supplied for Tandem Skydiving and given a briefing prior to your jump by your Tandem Master at our drop zone.
The opening altitude for your main parachute will be between 6000ft and 7000ft AMSL; the main landing area (DZ) is at 1700ft AMSL. Each parachute system carries an AAD (Automatic opening device) for greater safety in parachuting. You will also be given skydiving goggles for your eyes. So you can still wear contacts if you do. You will be fully familiarized with all the equipment, fitted, and briefed by our expert crew members prior to jumping. Tandem passengers will be fully prepared by their tandem master prior to making their tandem descent.

Equipment provided for Solo Jumpers
Self-supply of all equipment

Equipment provided for Tandem jumpers
• Jump goggles
• Tandem harness (and instructor!)

Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries regarding Equipment & Safety. We are always happy to supply you with more information.

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